Friday, November 25, 2016

Choose Your Path~Amber Part Two~Friend or Foe

        Sorry that nothing went up last week, I was in Florida, on vacation. I may put something on that later. But for now here is part two of Amber's adventure.
        Amber realizes that the animal is close by and she must find a good spot to hide. The box looks nice, safe, and comforting. She hops up over the fence and makes her way toward the box. The animal's scent gets stronger as she gets closer to the box. When she reaches the box it hits her that the scent is coming from inside of the box.
        A low growling noise comes from the box and Amber leaps backward. A Mastiff charged out of the box directly at Amber. She ran to the fence and quickly jumped over it. The dog barked and lunged at the fence making a huge racket. Amber ran past several houses and didn't look back.

        Finally coming to a stop at a house, she began to feel hungry. The calico cat slowly walked up to the house. There was a hole under the porch. The gap was an excellent place to find mice. She slipped into the hole and smelled the scents, no more scent of dog from earlier. She would watch out for that smell from now on. She did, however, smell the aroma of mice. Her eyes adjusted and she found the mouse hole in the back of the hollow space. Sitting down by the hole, she waited. 
        A few hours or so later a curious little mouse decided to go out. Amber darted her claws at the mouse and then before the mouse could run away, she grabbed it in her mouth, killing it instantly. Amber ate the mouse, then dozed off in her new home.
        Later a child who lived in the house came outside and decided to go to his fort under the porch. He rather enjoyed playing games inside of his fort that was outside. He crawled under the porch and was going to his fort when something caught his eye. There was a calico cat sitting by the small hole in the ground. The cat's blue eyes stared at him. He gasped and ran inside. He ran back out and slowly crawled under the porch, hoping the cat was still there. He held the metal can and looked around, but the calico was not to be seen. 
       Amber sat behind the fort, her tail curled around her, swishing a little bit as she sat thinking, Who is he? What does he want?
       What should Amber do? Run away, go up to the boy, or stay put? You decide! Vote in the polls on the side of the blog. Had Amber gone to the tire, she would have napped there and gone to the woods. Had she gone to the hollow tree, she would have met a Great Gray owl, and would have run the opposite direction as this story and found a slightly creepy house. She will remember choices made and they will help or hinder her. With that in mind, have fun and be careful what you choose!               The poll will expire 12/2/16!

Thursday, November 3, 2016

Choose Your Path~Amber Part One~Amber's Journey Begins

        Since I don't know what happened to the calico kitten, here is a story. This will be a story where the next part will be decided by polls. The choices WILL affect the story! So be careful what you choose.

       A mother cat sat with her five kittens. Fahd (that name means panther) a black kitten was batting at his mother's tail with Amber his calico sister. Onyx and Leo tumbled as they each tried to grab each other. And Astra groomed her fur coat in a sunbeam as a cool fall breeze blew lazily. 
      They were now eight weeks old and would need to fend for themselves soon like all kittens do. They would go and journey through life with it's many dangers. Cats are solitary creatures and tend to keep to themselves, so they would all go on their own separate paths. 
       Amber, Fahd, Onyx, Astra, and Leo all left their mother that evening. But for now we will follow Amber as the calico kitten, who has just left her mother, struts along a fence line behind a house. She leaps off when the fence ends and walks along as a cool breeze blows through the surrounding trees, gently rustling the leaves. Amber scans the area with her keen night vision for a possible home to stay in as the sun sets.
       She locates a few options, a hollow in a tree that sits in small grouping of other trees behind a fenced in yard, a wooden box with weird lettering on it in the yard, and an old tire by the trees. Amber sits with her tail whipping up and down thinking about her options. She smells a strange scent that is of another animal and wonders where she could hide and rest.
Where do you think Amber should sleep?